Management fundamentals

Succeed in your first years of management or review your fundamentals.

Management fundamentals
10198 reviews (4.6/5)

Going from employee to manager is never easy, especially in demanding business contexts. This course is perfect for first-time managers who want to accelerate their learning curve, or those who want to repeat and modernize their ranges!

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From 6 to 12 participants
1 Workshop per week or every 2 weeks
+6 situations per workshop
Short format

Our teaching approach

The number 1 differentiator of our courses. Each of our training contents is developed on the basis of more than 500 real-life cases on which we get participants to react. Each case is matched with tools and best practices to be applied directly in their daily lives. The key to creating commitment throughout the course: your participants come and come again because they are convinced of the concrete usefulness of what they have learned.

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