
Motivez et remotivez les individus et le collectif en continu

1473 avis (4.7/5)

Pedagogical objectives

  • Simple habits you can use every day / in every interaction - and especially at a distance.
  • How to react in more difficult situations: when one person or your whole team is demotivated.

The program

  • Automatic habits to develop: listen (even when it's difficult), take an interest in others and their drivers, encourage by giving feedback and praise.
  • Better day-to-day communication: giving meaning and vision, setting the right objectives, preparing real messages for meetings, being transparent in difficult situations...
  • Remotivation: distinguishing between a gap and the end of a cycle, remotivating an employee who has dropped out, managing a demotivated team.


  • Instaurer des habitudes simples et efficaces à utiliser quotidiennement, notamment à distance, pour maintenir une communication fluide et renforcer l’engagement.
  • Savoir identifier et réagir rapidement aux signes de démotivation individuelle ou collective, en offrant un soutien empathique et adapté.
  • Organiser des discussions ouvertes pour comprendre les causes de la démotivation et proposer des solutions de motivation et de reconnaissance pour revitaliser l’équipe et renforcer la cohésion.


  • Évidemment : booster la performance, l’engagement, le bonheur…
  • Mais aussi, développer un vrai leadership : être préparé, gérer les moments difficiles, utiliser la bonne posture…

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From 6 to 12 participants
1 Workshop per week or every 2 weeks
+6 situations per workshop
Short format

Our teaching approach

The number 1 differentiator of our courses. Each of our training contents is developed on the basis of more than 500 real-life cases on which we get participants to react. Each case is matched with tools and best practices to be applied directly in their daily lives. The key to creating commitment throughout the course: your participants come and come again because they are convinced of the concrete usefulness of what they have learned.

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