NUMA HR recruitment training

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NUMA HR recruitment training

In today's ever-changing job market, manager recruitment is crucial to the success of your team and your company. Finding, attracting and retaining the best talent has become a major strategic challenge. On the other hand, knowing how to recruit well is far from innate, and requires technical skills that are not so easy to master. But what are they, and how can we develop them? Discover the 3 key skills you need to master to become a master in the art of recruiting for your team.

Attracting the right person

As a manager, attracting the right talent is a real challenge. Recruitment is much more than a simple selection process; it's a strategic move that can boost performance and competitiveness within the team itself. To attract the right person, it's not enough to publish a job advert and wait for candidates to apply. You need to adopt a methodical approach, starting with a precise definition of the job's contours before moving on to drafting a clear and attractive job description.

Create a relevant scorecard

The first step in attracting the right person is to clearly define the job description. This includes the new recruit's responsibilities, expectations in terms of results, and the concrete activities he or she will be expected to perform. For example, if the position involves sales prospecting, it could include tasks such as "phoning", "identifying and going to prospecting events", and "keeping the CRM up to date".

Don't fall into the five-legged sheep trap: 

It's essential not to demand too many essential skills. If you have too many essential skills on your list, it probably means that the job definition is not precise enough. Take a step back and focus on the five key skills required, such as "ability to synthesize complex information" or "managing a growing team".

Write a clear, attractive job description

To write an effective job description, start by explaining the "why" of the company, the context of the position, and why it's important. Try to differentiate yourself by being transparent and simple in your communication. For example, avoid vague terms like "we're looking for a top player to boost our growth". Be honest about any aspects of the organization, the team and the position that might surprise candidates.

The main objectives of a well-written job description are to attract only those candidates who will thrive in your working environment (natural filter) and to limit the risk of recruitment errors. This allows you to select the right person from the outset.

Evaluating candidates

The candidate assessment phase is crucial to ensuring that you select the right person for the job. Effective assessment involves more than simply reviewing the CV; it requires a thorough understanding of the candidate's skills, values and behavior. To achieve this, it's essential to use rigorous assessment methods, such as situational questions, and to check candidates' track records.

Track record

When assessing candidates, it' s important to ask situational questions tailored to the position to understand how they react in specific situations . For example, for a project manager position, ask how the candidate has handled team conflicts in the past.

Make sure you assess the key competencies previously defined, as well as the candidate's values. It's essential to check that the candidate doesn't display behaviors that are unacceptable to your company, such as a lack of transparency or solidarity. Finally, pay attention to weak signals: 

For example, a candidate who justifies all his failures by blaming his former managers and company is clearly not a good sign. 

Identifying and dispelling doubts

The aim is to check that the candidate's values are in line with those of your company. It' s crucial to identify the signals of exceptional candidates, often called "A-players", who stand out for their proactivity, their ability to foster the development of others, and their personal and professional standards. To do this:

  • observe candidates' behavior and attitudes , especially non-verbal behavior. 
  • Ask specific questions about their past experience and how they demonstrated these qualities. Use the interview process to assess their behavior in situations relevant to your company, and consult their professional references for additional perspectives.
  • Make sure the candidate understands your company's culture and ethics, clearly explain your values and expectations, and observe his or her reaction. 

By combining a rigorous assessment of technical and behavioral skills with a thorough check of cultural alignment, you increase your chances of recruiting candidates who possess the necessary skills and fit in perfectly with your team, thus contributing to your company's success.

What training should you choose to learn how to recruit?

NUMA offers a comprehensive training solution to improve your recruitment skills, with a focus on writing effective job descriptions and accurately selecting candidates. Here's an overview of the training:

Pedagogical objectives:

  • Learn how to write powerful job descriptions that captivate candidates.
  • Acquire the skills to identify doubts and resolve them during the recruitment process.

The course :

  • Attracting the right person: draw up an attractive job description and create a "Scorecard" to clarify the skills and behaviors expected, highlighting the skills and values sought on an ongoing basis.
  • Selecting the right person: using a structured recruitment process, asking relevant questions that make a difference, and applying these skills in a complete recruitment case study.

Opting for NUMA's recruitment training means investing in a proven methodology that combines theory and practice. This approach improves your recruitment processes, strengthens your team and contributes to your company's growth. Integrating this training into your strategy enables you to successfully navigate today's competitive landscape, ensuring a perfect match between your company's needs and the talent you recruit.

The NUMA pedagogical approach

Situational engineering

Chacun de nos contenus de formation est développé sur la base de plus de 500 cas de la vie réelle sur lesquels nous faisons réagir les participants. À chacun correspondent des outils et les meilleures pratiques et techniques à appliquer directement dans leur quotidien. La clé pour créer l’engagement tout au long de la formation : vos participants viennent et reviennent car ils sont convaincus de l’utilité concrète des apprentissages transmis. La gestion des priorités et la planification sont des piliers essentiels de notre approche pour vous permettre de vous concentrer sur les compétences qui comptent vraiment.

The workshop

Nous co-construisons, selon vos enjeux, des parcours composés de modules thématiques à distance et en présentiel : des workshops. Ce format court (d’une durée de 2 heures en distanciel, 3 heures en présentiel), en petit groupe (jusqu’à 12 participants de votre entreprise), couvre environ 6 cas de la vie réelle sur lesquels nous faisons réagir les participants et ce, avec les actions qui en découlent. Les modalités de chaque session sont conçues pour maximiser l’efficacité et l’apprentissage. La gestion des tâches et le contrôle des situations font partie intégrante de ces ateliers. Chaque workshop inclut également une évaluation pour mesurer l’efficacité de l’apprentissage.

The trainers

Les formateurs NUMA parlent la même langue que les participants : avec plus de 15 ans d’expérience à des postes en management et leadership, chaque coach est donc expert et ultra-légitime sur les sujets qu’il aborde et permet aux participants d’expérimenter en direct les meilleures manières de gérer ces situations tout en partageant leur retour d’expérience. Chaque formateur est sélectionné sur la base de ses compétences et de son expérience. Les intervenants apportent des perspectives uniques et des stratégies éprouvées pour la gestion des urgences et des issues critiques.

Pour en savoir plus sur notre approche et la structuration de nos parcours formation, rendez-vous juste ici.

In today's ever-changing job market, manager recruitment is crucial to the success of your team and your company. Finding, attracting and retaining the best talent has become a major strategic challenge. On the other hand, knowing how to recruit well is far from innate, and requires technical skills that are not so easy to master. But what are they, and how can we develop them? Discover the 3 key skills you need to master to become a master in the art of recruiting for your team.

Attracting the right person

As a manager, attracting the right talent is a real challenge. Recruitment is much more than a simple selection process; it's a strategic move that can boost performance and competitiveness within the team itself. To attract the right person, it's not enough to publish a job advert and wait for candidates to apply. You need to adopt a methodical approach, starting with a precise definition of the job's contours before moving on to drafting a clear and attractive job description.

Create a relevant scorecard

The first step in attracting the right person is to clearly define the job description. This includes the new recruit's responsibilities, expectations in terms of results, and the concrete activities he or she will be expected to perform. For example, if the position involves sales prospecting, it could include tasks such as "phoning", "identifying and going to prospecting events", and "keeping the CRM up to date".

Don't fall into the five-legged sheep trap: 

It's essential not to demand too many essential skills. If you have too many essential skills on your list, it probably means that the job definition is not precise enough. Take a step back and focus on the five key skills required, such as "ability to synthesize complex information" or "managing a growing team".

Write a clear, attractive job description

To write an effective job description, start by explaining the "why" of the company, the context of the position, and why it's important. Try to differentiate yourself by being transparent and simple in your communication. For example, avoid vague terms like "we're looking for a top player to boost our growth". Be honest about any aspects of the organization, the team and the position that might surprise candidates.

The main objectives of a well-written job description are to attract only those candidates who will thrive in your working environment (natural filter) and to limit the risk of recruitment errors. This allows you to select the right person from the outset.

Evaluating candidates

The candidate assessment phase is crucial to ensuring that you select the right person for the job. Effective assessment involves more than simply reviewing the CV; it requires a thorough understanding of the candidate's skills, values and behavior. To achieve this, it's essential to use rigorous assessment methods, such as situational questions, and to check candidates' track records.

Track record

When assessing candidates, it' s important to ask situational questions tailored to the position to understand how they react in specific situations . For example, for a project manager position, ask how the candidate has handled team conflicts in the past.

Make sure you assess the key competencies previously defined, as well as the candidate's values. It's essential to check that the candidate doesn't display behaviors that are unacceptable to your company, such as a lack of transparency or solidarity. Finally, pay attention to weak signals: 

For example, a candidate who justifies all his failures by blaming his former managers and company is clearly not a good sign. 

Identifying and dispelling doubts

The aim is to check that the candidate's values are in line with those of your company. It' s crucial to identify the signals of exceptional candidates, often called "A-players", who stand out for their proactivity, their ability to foster the development of others, and their personal and professional standards. To do this:

  • observe candidates' behavior and attitudes , especially non-verbal behavior. 
  • Ask specific questions about their past experience and how they demonstrated these qualities. Use the interview process to assess their behavior in situations relevant to your company, and consult their professional references for additional perspectives.
  • Make sure the candidate understands your company's culture and ethics, clearly explain your values and expectations, and observe his or her reaction. 

By combining a rigorous assessment of technical and behavioral skills with a thorough check of cultural alignment, you increase your chances of recruiting candidates who possess the necessary skills and fit in perfectly with your team, thus contributing to your company's success.

What training should you choose to learn how to recruit?

NUMA offers a comprehensive training solution to improve your recruitment skills, with a focus on writing effective job descriptions and accurately selecting candidates. Here's an overview of the training:

Pedagogical objectives:

  • Learn how to write powerful job descriptions that captivate candidates.
  • Acquire the skills to identify doubts and resolve them during the recruitment process.

The course :

  • Attracting the right person: draw up an attractive job description and create a "Scorecard" to clarify the skills and behaviors expected, highlighting the skills and values sought on an ongoing basis.
  • Selecting the right person: using a structured recruitment process, asking relevant questions that make a difference, and applying these skills in a complete recruitment case study.

Opting for NUMA's recruitment training means investing in a proven methodology that combines theory and practice. This approach improves your recruitment processes, strengthens your team and contributes to your company's growth. Integrating this training into your strategy enables you to successfully navigate today's competitive landscape, ensuring a perfect match between your company's needs and the talent you recruit.

The NUMA pedagogical approach

Situational engineering

Chacun de nos contenus de formation est développé sur la base de plus de 500 cas de la vie réelle sur lesquels nous faisons réagir les participants. À chacun correspondent des outils et les meilleures pratiques et techniques à appliquer directement dans leur quotidien. La clé pour créer l’engagement tout au long de la formation : vos participants viennent et reviennent car ils sont convaincus de l’utilité concrète des apprentissages transmis. La gestion des priorités et la planification sont des piliers essentiels de notre approche pour vous permettre de vous concentrer sur les compétences qui comptent vraiment.

The workshop

Nous co-construisons, selon vos enjeux, des parcours composés de modules thématiques à distance et en présentiel : des workshops. Ce format court (d’une durée de 2 heures en distanciel, 3 heures en présentiel), en petit groupe (jusqu’à 12 participants de votre entreprise), couvre environ 6 cas de la vie réelle sur lesquels nous faisons réagir les participants et ce, avec les actions qui en découlent. Les modalités de chaque session sont conçues pour maximiser l’efficacité et l’apprentissage. La gestion des tâches et le contrôle des situations font partie intégrante de ces ateliers. Chaque workshop inclut également une évaluation pour mesurer l’efficacité de l’apprentissage.

The trainers

Les formateurs NUMA parlent la même langue que les participants : avec plus de 15 ans d’expérience à des postes en management et leadership, chaque coach est donc expert et ultra-légitime sur les sujets qu’il aborde et permet aux participants d’expérimenter en direct les meilleures manières de gérer ces situations tout en partageant leur retour d’expérience. Chaque formateur est sélectionné sur la base de ses compétences et de son expérience. Les intervenants apportent des perspectives uniques et des stratégies éprouvées pour la gestion des urgences et des issues critiques.

Pour en savoir plus sur notre approche et la structuration de nos parcours formation, rendez-vous juste ici.


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