Training for better time and priority management

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Training for better time and priority management

Dans un contexte d'évolutions permanentes où l’incertitude et le changement deviennent la nouvelle norme, savoir gérer son temps et ses priorités devient une compétence essentielle pour maintenir et allier performance et sérénité au quotidien. Se former pour mieux gérer son temps et ses priorités apparaît ainsi comme une réponse indispensable à ces nouveaux défis. Découvrez le parcours Focalisation NUMA pour se concentrer sur ce qui compte vraiment : un programme adapté à tous les niveaux pour mieux gérer son temps, son énergie et protéger sa concentration. 

Pedagogical objectives

The pedagogical objectives of the Focalisation course are to equip participants with the essential skills to optimize their management of time and priorities. By learning how to save time in their week, set clear objectives and give themselves the means to achieve them, participants will be better equipped to anticipate the unexpected and make informed decisions when faced with sudden changes. This course aims to reinforce skills which, although often perceived as trivial, are crucial in an environment where everything seems to become urgent. By refocusing on what really matters, participants will be able to navigate their daily tasks with greater serenity and efficiency.

À savoir : chaque workshop du programme peut être suivi séparément, à la carte ou dans un autre parcours co-construit avec notre équipe. 

The program 

1. Fewer but better meetings 

The aim is to hold fewer meetings and make the remaining ones more effective. 

  • Limit meetings: replace them with asynchronous sequences or refuse them without rushing the organizers.
  • Prepare and run a meeting so that the time spent together is as useful and productive as possible.


  • Limiting meetings: discover alternative formats for dispensable meetings and explore their use in everyday life. 
  • Learn to refuse meetings without rushing the organizer. 
  • Preparing and running a meeting: analyze, criticize and improve an invitation to a meeting (title, framing, objectives, participants, agenda, etc.). Then, learn how to build a sequence before/during/after a meeting whose objective is to make a collective decision.
  • Explore techniques for running an effective meeting (opening, distributing the floor, involving participants, closing, etc.).

For a first glimpse of the NUMA approach to this theme, discover our guide to improving your meetings by 30%.

2. Asynchronous communication

‍Objective: communicate effectively and avoid systematic meetings.

  • Choosing and using the right communication channels for each situation.
  • Master asynchronous channels, especially the written word, and improve the quality of collective writing.

Course : 

  • Set common rules so that everyone knows which channel to use, depending on the topic.
  • Identify opportunities for asynchronous communication.
  • Improve the quality of your written communication and that of your colleagues.
  • Discover non-written asynchronous communication techniques using new tools (audio, video) to reduce the number of meetings and improve team performance.

3. Prioritization

Objective: Choose what to focus on collectively and individually.

  • Arbitrate on collective priorities: strategic objectives, projects to be launched or stopped, etc.
  • Define your individual priorities: in the long term, to focus on the activities on which you have the greatest impact, and in the short term, to arbitrate even when everything seems urgent and important.

Course : 

  • Prioritize collectively: How do you define ambitious yet realistic goals? How do you decide whether to stop a project?
  • Prioritize individually : How can you spend the most time on what's most valuable? 

4. Time and energy management 

Objective : organize your weeks to optimize your time and energy.

  • Organize your week around the value you want to create.
  • Manage your calendar as your main hybrid communication tool.
  • Preserve time and focus.
  • Put your energy in the right place.

Course : 

  • Manage your diary and protect your time by reserving uninterrupted work periods and distinguishing between in-depth work periods and "to-do" work periods.
  • Know where you want to create value, and make the right choices to maintain or abandon your focus depending on the situation.
  • Learn to say no in a positive way to coach your teams and use asynchronous meetings to reduce the number of meetings.
  • Manage your own energy and that of your team.

5. Delegation and performance

Objective : to make a success of your delegations and manage the unexpected along the way. 

  • Make clear frameworks and delegations.
  • Use the right postures to manage problems.
  • Manage and delegate tasks to people you don't manage. 


  • Clear framing and delegation: share the meaning, identify the right indicators to monitor, define the right level of autonomy, avoid gasworks, clarify reporting... and avoid the pitfalls of delegating "on eggshells" to people you don't directly manage. 
  • Monitor individual performance with minimum effort and maximum efficiency, and find the right postures for each case.
  • Manage problems: lack of reporting, occasional or repeated poor performance, freewheeling, etc.

6. Deciding under uncertainty 

Objective : make the right decisions in a context where no decision seems obvious 

  • Gain clarity and make decisions more easily.
  • Manage the timing of your decisions.
  • Challenge your decisions, individually and collectively.

Course : 

  • Gain clarity: how to isolate useful information, take a step back and make more informed decisions?
    Example of a tool: the "Present/Future" matrix for deciding whether to take a decision now or wait, depending on the context and available information.
  • Control your biases and make better collective decisions
    Example of tools: thescorecard to objectify everyone's opinions and simplify collective decisions.

    Peer practice: revisit a recent decision and question it using the techniques learned during training. 

7. Deciding under uncertainty 

Objective : Make the right decisions in a context where no decision seems obvious.

  • Gain clarity and make decisions more easily.
  • Manage the timing of your decisions.
  • Challenge your decisions, individually and collectively.

Course :

  • Gain clarity: how to isolate useful information, take a step back and make more informed decisions?  
  • Control your biases and make better collective decisions
  • Peer practice: revisit a recent decision and question it using the techniques learned during training. 

The NUMA pedagogical approach

Situational engineering

Chacun de nos contenus de formation est développé sur la base de plus de 500 cas de la vie réelle sur lesquels nous faisons réagir les participants. À chacun correspondent des outils et les meilleures pratiques et techniques à appliquer directement dans leur quotidien. La clé pour créer l’engagement tout au long de la formation : vos participants viennent et reviennent car ils sont convaincus de l’utilité concrète des apprentissages transmis. La gestion des priorités et la planification sont des piliers essentiels de notre approche pour vous permettre de vous concentrer sur les compétences qui comptent vraiment.

The workshop

Nous co-construisons, selon vos enjeux, des parcours composés de modules thématiques à distance et en présentiel : des workshops. Ce format court (d’une durée de 2 heures en distanciel, 3 heures en présentiel), en petit groupe (jusqu’à 12 participants de votre entreprise), couvre environ 6 cas de la vie réelle sur lesquels nous faisons réagir les participants et ce, avec les actions qui en découlent. Les modalités de chaque session sont conçues pour maximiser l’efficacité et l’apprentissage. La gestion des tâches et le contrôle des situations font partie intégrante de ces ateliers. Chaque workshop inclut également une évaluation pour mesurer l’efficacité de l’apprentissage.

The trainers

Les formateurs NUMA parlent la même langue que les participants : avec plus de 15 ans d’expérience à des postes en management et leadership, chaque coach est donc expert et ultra-légitime sur les sujets qu’il aborde et permet aux participants d’expérimenter en direct les meilleures manières de gérer ces situations tout en partageant leur retour d’expérience. Chaque formateur est sélectionné sur la base de ses compétences et de son expérience. Les intervenants apportent des perspectives uniques et des stratégies éprouvées pour la gestion des urgences et des issues critiques.

To find out more about our approach and how we structure our training courses, click here.

Dans un contexte d'évolutions permanentes où l’incertitude et le changement deviennent la nouvelle norme, savoir gérer son temps et ses priorités devient une compétence essentielle pour maintenir et allier performance et sérénité au quotidien. Se former pour mieux gérer son temps et ses priorités apparaît ainsi comme une réponse indispensable à ces nouveaux défis. Découvrez le parcours Focalisation NUMA pour se concentrer sur ce qui compte vraiment : un programme adapté à tous les niveaux pour mieux gérer son temps, son énergie et protéger sa concentration. 

Pedagogical objectives

The pedagogical objectives of the Focalisation course are to equip participants with the essential skills to optimize their management of time and priorities. By learning how to save time in their week, set clear objectives and give themselves the means to achieve them, participants will be better equipped to anticipate the unexpected and make informed decisions when faced with sudden changes. This course aims to reinforce skills which, although often perceived as trivial, are crucial in an environment where everything seems to become urgent. By refocusing on what really matters, participants will be able to navigate their daily tasks with greater serenity and efficiency.

À savoir : chaque workshop du programme peut être suivi séparément, à la carte ou dans un autre parcours co-construit avec notre équipe. 

The program 

1. Fewer but better meetings 

The aim is to hold fewer meetings and make the remaining ones more effective. 

  • Limit meetings: replace them with asynchronous sequences or refuse them without rushing the organizers.
  • Prepare and run a meeting so that the time spent together is as useful and productive as possible.


  • Limiting meetings: discover alternative formats for dispensable meetings and explore their use in everyday life. 
  • Learn to refuse meetings without rushing the organizer. 
  • Preparing and running a meeting: analyze, criticize and improve an invitation to a meeting (title, framing, objectives, participants, agenda, etc.). Then, learn how to build a sequence before/during/after a meeting whose objective is to make a collective decision.
  • Explore techniques for running an effective meeting (opening, distributing the floor, involving participants, closing, etc.).

For a first glimpse of the NUMA approach to this theme, discover our guide to improving your meetings by 30%.

2. Asynchronous communication

‍Objective: communicate effectively and avoid systematic meetings.

  • Choosing and using the right communication channels for each situation.
  • Master asynchronous channels, especially the written word, and improve the quality of collective writing.

Course : 

  • Set common rules so that everyone knows which channel to use, depending on the topic.
  • Identify opportunities for asynchronous communication.
  • Improve the quality of your written communication and that of your colleagues.
  • Discover non-written asynchronous communication techniques using new tools (audio, video) to reduce the number of meetings and improve team performance.

3. Prioritization

Objective: Choose what to focus on collectively and individually.

  • Arbitrate on collective priorities: strategic objectives, projects to be launched or stopped, etc.
  • Define your individual priorities: in the long term, to focus on the activities on which you have the greatest impact, and in the short term, to arbitrate even when everything seems urgent and important.

Course : 

  • Prioritize collectively: How do you define ambitious yet realistic goals? How do you decide whether to stop a project?
  • Prioritize individually : How can you spend the most time on what's most valuable? 

4. Time and energy management 

Objective : organize your weeks to optimize your time and energy.

  • Organize your week around the value you want to create.
  • Manage your calendar as your main hybrid communication tool.
  • Preserve time and focus.
  • Put your energy in the right place.

Course : 

  • Manage your diary and protect your time by reserving uninterrupted work periods and distinguishing between in-depth work periods and "to-do" work periods.
  • Know where you want to create value, and make the right choices to maintain or abandon your focus depending on the situation.
  • Learn to say no in a positive way to coach your teams and use asynchronous meetings to reduce the number of meetings.
  • Manage your own energy and that of your team.

5. Delegation and performance

Objective : to make a success of your delegations and manage the unexpected along the way. 

  • Make clear frameworks and delegations.
  • Use the right postures to manage problems.
  • Manage and delegate tasks to people you don't manage. 


  • Clear framing and delegation: share the meaning, identify the right indicators to monitor, define the right level of autonomy, avoid gasworks, clarify reporting... and avoid the pitfalls of delegating "on eggshells" to people you don't directly manage. 
  • Monitor individual performance with minimum effort and maximum efficiency, and find the right postures for each case.
  • Manage problems: lack of reporting, occasional or repeated poor performance, freewheeling, etc.

6. Deciding under uncertainty 

Objective : make the right decisions in a context where no decision seems obvious 

  • Gain clarity and make decisions more easily.
  • Manage the timing of your decisions.
  • Challenge your decisions, individually and collectively.

Course : 

  • Gain clarity: how to isolate useful information, take a step back and make more informed decisions?
    Example of a tool: the "Present/Future" matrix for deciding whether to take a decision now or wait, depending on the context and available information.
  • Control your biases and make better collective decisions
    Example of tools: thescorecard to objectify everyone's opinions and simplify collective decisions.

    Peer practice: revisit a recent decision and question it using the techniques learned during training. 

7. Deciding under uncertainty 

Objective : Make the right decisions in a context where no decision seems obvious.

  • Gain clarity and make decisions more easily.
  • Manage the timing of your decisions.
  • Challenge your decisions, individually and collectively.

Course :

  • Gain clarity: how to isolate useful information, take a step back and make more informed decisions?  
  • Control your biases and make better collective decisions
  • Peer practice: revisit a recent decision and question it using the techniques learned during training. 

The NUMA pedagogical approach

Situational engineering

Chacun de nos contenus de formation est développé sur la base de plus de 500 cas de la vie réelle sur lesquels nous faisons réagir les participants. À chacun correspondent des outils et les meilleures pratiques et techniques à appliquer directement dans leur quotidien. La clé pour créer l’engagement tout au long de la formation : vos participants viennent et reviennent car ils sont convaincus de l’utilité concrète des apprentissages transmis. La gestion des priorités et la planification sont des piliers essentiels de notre approche pour vous permettre de vous concentrer sur les compétences qui comptent vraiment.

The workshop

Nous co-construisons, selon vos enjeux, des parcours composés de modules thématiques à distance et en présentiel : des workshops. Ce format court (d’une durée de 2 heures en distanciel, 3 heures en présentiel), en petit groupe (jusqu’à 12 participants de votre entreprise), couvre environ 6 cas de la vie réelle sur lesquels nous faisons réagir les participants et ce, avec les actions qui en découlent. Les modalités de chaque session sont conçues pour maximiser l’efficacité et l’apprentissage. La gestion des tâches et le contrôle des situations font partie intégrante de ces ateliers. Chaque workshop inclut également une évaluation pour mesurer l’efficacité de l’apprentissage.

The trainers

Les formateurs NUMA parlent la même langue que les participants : avec plus de 15 ans d’expérience à des postes en management et leadership, chaque coach est donc expert et ultra-légitime sur les sujets qu’il aborde et permet aux participants d’expérimenter en direct les meilleures manières de gérer ces situations tout en partageant leur retour d’expérience. Chaque formateur est sélectionné sur la base de ses compétences et de son expérience. Les intervenants apportent des perspectives uniques et des stratégies éprouvées pour la gestion des urgences et des issues critiques.

To find out more about our approach and how we structure our training courses, click here.


What are the fundamental principles of time management?
Why take a time management course?
How do you manage your time and priorities?

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