Managing managers

Adopt the right posture and find the right distance between strategy and operations.


Pedagogical objectives

The aim of this workshop is to deal with a posture issue in an actionable way, with situations that reflect the level of complexity we face when managing managers. It's a workshop we often find in programs dedicated to advanced, complex management topics, from leadership to change management, emotions and conflict.

  • Put more trust in your managers while maintaining the right level of control.
  • Adopt the right distance and let go to gain perspective without being disconnected from the field.
  • Engage your managers so that they engage their teams.

The program

  • Letting go at the right level: how to give managers autonomy while maintaining visibility of what's happening in the field?
    Example of tools: adopt a "positive a priori" towards your N-1s, set up routines by organizing regular meetings with your N-2s.
  • Engage those who engage
    Example of tools
    : the "disagreement and commitment" method to manage cases of misalignment, key phrases and to help your N-1s convey difficult messages.

When you leave this workshop, you'll know...

  • Give your managers more confidence while maintaining strategic control, giving them the autonomy they need without being omnipresent.
  • Strike the right balance between delegation and distance, keeping in touch with the realities of the field without becoming too involved.
  • Involve your managers in strategic decisions to motivate them to fully engage their teams.
  • Maintain regular check-ins to ensure that their commitment is translated into concrete results.
  • And it'll come in handy for...

    • Avoid exhausting yourself (and your managers) by micromanaging managers or their teams.
    • Develop your managers and help them develop their teams.
    • Manage change even when you don't have control over its operational implementation.

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    Our teaching approach

    The number 1 differentiator of our courses. Each of our training contents is developed on the basis of more than 500 real-life cases on which we get participants to react. Each case is matched with tools and best practices to be applied directly in their daily lives. The key to creating commitment throughout the course: your participants come and come again because they are convinced of the concrete usefulness of what they have learned.

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