Asynchronous communication

Communiquez efficacement et évitez les réunions

1019 avis (4.6/5)

Pedagogical objectives

  • Choosing and using the right communication channels for each situation.
  • Master asynchronous channels, especially the written word, and improve the quality of collective writing.

The program

  • Set common rules so that everyone knows which channel to use, depending on the topic.
  • Identify opportunities for asynchronous communication.
  • Improve the quality of your written communication and that of your colleagues.
  • Discover non-written asynchronous communication techniques using new tools (audio, video) to reduce the number of meetings and improve team performance.


  • Identifier et privilégier les canaux de communication les plus adaptés à chaque situation, en veillant à ce qu'ils soient utilisés de manière optimale par l'équipe.
  • Développer une maîtrise approfondie des canaux de communication asynchrones, en particulier l'écrit, afin d'améliorer la clarté et la cohérence dans les contributions collectives.

    • Mieux gérer votre temps et votre productivité
    • Gagner de la charge mentale (moins d’interruptions, de réunions)
    • Augmenter la qualité des échanges asynchrones pour utiliser votre temps au bureau pour les réunions qui méritent d’être maintenues en présentiel

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    From 6 to 12 participants
    1 Workshop per week or every 2 weeks
    +6 situations per workshop
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    Our teaching approach

    The number 1 differentiator of our courses. Each of our training contents is developed on the basis of more than 500 real-life cases on which we get participants to react. Each case is matched with tools and best practices to be applied directly in their daily lives. The key to creating commitment throughout the course: your participants come and come again because they are convinced of the concrete usefulness of what they have learned.

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