4 practices for continuous team development

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4 practices for continuous team development

Investing in skills development guarantees a more efficient and adaptable team. But for this to work, it's not enough to offer one-off training courses: you need to structure learning on a daily basis and integrate it into the reality of the job. Here are 5 concrete practices to help your team grow continuously.

1. Promote continuous improvement 

Feedback is a key tool for moving a team forward and improving performance. Properly formulated, it helps everyone to better understand their strengths, identify areas for improvement and adjust their practices. It also builds trust and commitment. Conversely, vague or clumsy feedback risks being badly perceived and slowing down the collective dynamic.

Best practices for effective feedback

  • Be precise and factual: vague or general feedback ("It was good" or "You should improve") is of no value. It must be based on observable, concrete facts.
  • Be given at the right time: feedback must be given as soon as possible after the event concerned, to be relevant and assimilated. Feedback given too late loses its usefulness.
  • Be action-oriented: good feedback doesn't just identify a problem or praise a success; it must also enable the employee to know how to adjust his or her behavior in the future.

Encouraging feedback at work enables you to create an environment of trust, where everyone can progress, adjust their practices and become fully involved in the collective success.

The COIN method for structuring feedback
This approach provides clear, actionable feedback, avoiding subjective judgments. For example, if a manager wanted to help an employee improve his or her time management during meetings, the practical result would be : 

  • Context: "At this morning's team meeting, we had a 30-minute slot to cover the key points of the project."
  • Observation: "I noticed that you spent a lot of time on the technical details, which reduced the time available to discuss the next steps."
  • Impact: "As a result, we had to cut the meeting short without having been able to clarify all the decisions to be made, which risks slowing down the progress of the project."
  • Next Step: "For the next meeting, try to structure your talk by identifying the essential information and keeping the technical details for a possible written follow-up or more focused discussion."

2. Adopt a manager-coach posture

The role of the manager is changing: it's no longer just a matter of giving instructions or supervising the execution of tasks, but of supporting employees in their development of skills and autonomy. A manager-coach encourages his team to step back, analyze situations and find their own solutions. In this way, they reinforce the commitment and skills of each individual.

Encouraging active listening

Active listening establishes a climate of trust, helps to identify employees' needs and guides them in their thinking by asking the right questions and rephrasing to clarify their ideas.

There are several ways of doing this:

  • Verbal and non-verbal listening: maintaining eye contact, nodding, rephrasing to show you've understood.
  • The eight-second rule : leave a silence after a question to allow the other person to structure his or her thoughts and go further.
  • The art of rephrasing : "If I understand correctly, you feel frustrated by this situation because...".

Structuring support 

Managerial support can take different forms depending on the situation. One-off coaching helps to overcome a specific challenge, while long-term coaching supports more global and strategic progress.

  • One-off coaching: this focuses on a specific need, such as preparing for an important presentation, managing a conflict or taking charge of a new assignment. In these situations, a targeted session can quickly unblock a problem.
  • Coaching over time: this is a long-term approach, with regular check-ups to monitor an employee's progress and help them achieve their objectives. It is based on structured follow-up, with clear milestones and adjustments based on progress made.

3. Develop your emotional intelligence

Effective management relies as much on technical skills as it does on the ability to understand and manage emotions - one's own and those of others. A manager with strong emotional intelligence communicates more effectively, defuses tensions and strengthens team cohesion.

For example, when faced with an employee overwhelmed by a deadline, he doesn't simply remind them of the deadline. He adjusts his approach, provides support, helps prioritize or clarifies expectations to transform pressure into a constructive dynamic.

Adapting your communication style 

One of the most effective tools for understanding the reactions and behaviors of team members is the DISC model (Dominant, Influential, Stable, Compliant). 

The DISC model distinguishes four employee profiles:

  • Dominant (D): action- and results-oriented, they prefer direct exchanges, quick decisions and ambitious challenges.
  • Influential (I): sociable and motivated by interaction, they respond well to encouragement and collaborative projects.
  • Stable (S): in search of security and structure, they appreciate benevolent communication and clear reference points.
  • Conforming (C): rigorous and analytical, they prefer precise information, defined processes and structured discourse.

For example, when dealing with an employee of the Dominant type, a manager will avoid long explanations and get straight to the point: "You have this objective to reach, here are the resources at your disposal. Let me know if you hit a roadblock. On the other hand, with a Stable profile, he'll take more time to explain the context and reassure: "I know this change may seem destabilizing, but we're going to move forward gradually and I'm here to support you."

Strengthen your emotional intelligence 

Developing emotional intelligence is an ongoing process that involves a number of practices:

  • Active listening: rephrase what the other person is saying to make sure you understand and are paying attention.
  • Keep an emotional diary: writing down your reactions to certain situations helps you identify patterns and manage your emotions more effectively.
  • Managing stress: taking time out to breathe or meditate helps avoid impulsive reactions and inspire confidence.
  • Ask for feedback: soliciting the opinion of others on how you manage interactions helps you adjust your approach.

4. Create the right rituals

Managerial rituals structure communication and ensure regular team follow-up. Well thought-out, they foster cohesion, align objectives and create a framework where everyone feels listened to and supported. A manager who incorporates them effectively creates a more fluid and engaging work dynamic.

Individual points

Among the essential rituals, regular one-to-one interviews create a privileged space for exchange between manager and employee. They provide an opportunity to take stock of progress, identify difficulties and explore areas for improvement.

Best practices to follow : 

  • Plan and stick to it: maintain a suitable frequency (weekly, bi-monthly or monthly) to demonstrate the importance of follow-up.
  • Use a shared support system: note the subjects discussed and the actions to be taken for clear follow-up.
  • Practice active listening: ask open-ended questions and rephrase to encourage genuine exchange.
  • Adapt the approach: adjust the level of coaching and feedback according to the employee's autonomy.

Team meetings 

In addition to individual reviews, team meetings structure the collective dynamic and streamline communication. They ensure regular alignment, reinforce collaboration and maintain a shared vision of objectives.

Best practices to follow : 

  • Define a clear objective: before inviting anyone, specify the goal (follow-up, problem-solving, decision) and draw up a structured agenda.
  • Encourage participation: use interactive formats such as round-table discussions, brainstorming or alternating between information and exchanges.
  • Keep to a precise timetable: no more than 45-60 minutes for standard meetings and 15 minutes for quick points.
  • Valuing success: taking the time to recognize contributions strengthens team commitment and motivation.

An effective manager structures his team's learning and commitment. Quality feedback, a coaching posture, emotional intelligence and well-defined rituals: these practices enable employees to progress, gain autonomy and flourish. The result? Greater motivation, higher performance and a stronger collective dynamic. Want to go further? Discover NUMA's training courses.

Investing in skills development guarantees a more efficient and adaptable team. But for this to work, it's not enough to offer one-off training courses: you need to structure learning on a daily basis and integrate it into the reality of the job. Here are 5 concrete practices to help your team grow continuously.

1. Promote continuous improvement 

Feedback is a key tool for moving a team forward and improving performance. Properly formulated, it helps everyone to better understand their strengths, identify areas for improvement and adjust their practices. It also builds trust and commitment. Conversely, vague or clumsy feedback risks being badly perceived and slowing down the collective dynamic.

Best practices for effective feedback

  • Be precise and factual: vague or general feedback ("It was good" or "You should improve") is of no value. It must be based on observable, concrete facts.
  • Be given at the right time: feedback must be given as soon as possible after the event concerned, to be relevant and assimilated. Feedback given too late loses its usefulness.
  • Be action-oriented: good feedback doesn't just identify a problem or praise a success; it must also enable the employee to know how to adjust his or her behavior in the future.

Encouraging feedback at work enables you to create an environment of trust, where everyone can progress, adjust their practices and become fully involved in the collective success.

The COIN method for structuring feedback
This approach provides clear, actionable feedback, avoiding subjective judgments. For example, if a manager wanted to help an employee improve his or her time management during meetings, the practical result would be : 

  • Context: "At this morning's team meeting, we had a 30-minute slot to cover the key points of the project."
  • Observation: "I noticed that you spent a lot of time on the technical details, which reduced the time available to discuss the next steps."
  • Impact: "As a result, we had to cut the meeting short without having been able to clarify all the decisions to be made, which risks slowing down the progress of the project."
  • Next Step: "For the next meeting, try to structure your talk by identifying the essential information and keeping the technical details for a possible written follow-up or more focused discussion."

2. Adopt a manager-coach posture

The role of the manager is changing: it's no longer just a matter of giving instructions or supervising the execution of tasks, but of supporting employees in their development of skills and autonomy. A manager-coach encourages his team to step back, analyze situations and find their own solutions. In this way, they reinforce the commitment and skills of each individual.

Encouraging active listening

Active listening establishes a climate of trust, helps to identify employees' needs and guides them in their thinking by asking the right questions and rephrasing to clarify their ideas.

There are several ways of doing this:

  • Verbal and non-verbal listening: maintaining eye contact, nodding, rephrasing to show you've understood.
  • The eight-second rule : leave a silence after a question to allow the other person to structure his or her thoughts and go further.
  • The art of rephrasing : "If I understand correctly, you feel frustrated by this situation because...".

Structuring support 

Managerial support can take different forms depending on the situation. One-off coaching helps to overcome a specific challenge, while long-term coaching supports more global and strategic progress.

  • One-off coaching: this focuses on a specific need, such as preparing for an important presentation, managing a conflict or taking charge of a new assignment. In these situations, a targeted session can quickly unblock a problem.
  • Coaching over time: this is a long-term approach, with regular check-ups to monitor an employee's progress and help them achieve their objectives. It is based on structured follow-up, with clear milestones and adjustments based on progress made.

3. Develop your emotional intelligence

Effective management relies as much on technical skills as it does on the ability to understand and manage emotions - one's own and those of others. A manager with strong emotional intelligence communicates more effectively, defuses tensions and strengthens team cohesion.

For example, when faced with an employee overwhelmed by a deadline, he doesn't simply remind them of the deadline. He adjusts his approach, provides support, helps prioritize or clarifies expectations to transform pressure into a constructive dynamic.

Adapting your communication style 

One of the most effective tools for understanding the reactions and behaviors of team members is the DISC model (Dominant, Influential, Stable, Compliant). 

The DISC model distinguishes four employee profiles:

  • Dominant (D): action- and results-oriented, they prefer direct exchanges, quick decisions and ambitious challenges.
  • Influential (I): sociable and motivated by interaction, they respond well to encouragement and collaborative projects.
  • Stable (S): in search of security and structure, they appreciate benevolent communication and clear reference points.
  • Conforming (C): rigorous and analytical, they prefer precise information, defined processes and structured discourse.

For example, when dealing with an employee of the Dominant type, a manager will avoid long explanations and get straight to the point: "You have this objective to reach, here are the resources at your disposal. Let me know if you hit a roadblock. On the other hand, with a Stable profile, he'll take more time to explain the context and reassure: "I know this change may seem destabilizing, but we're going to move forward gradually and I'm here to support you."

Strengthen your emotional intelligence 

Developing emotional intelligence is an ongoing process that involves a number of practices:

  • Active listening: rephrase what the other person is saying to make sure you understand and are paying attention.
  • Keep an emotional diary: writing down your reactions to certain situations helps you identify patterns and manage your emotions more effectively.
  • Managing stress: taking time out to breathe or meditate helps avoid impulsive reactions and inspire confidence.
  • Ask for feedback: soliciting the opinion of others on how you manage interactions helps you adjust your approach.

4. Create the right rituals

Managerial rituals structure communication and ensure regular team follow-up. Well thought-out, they foster cohesion, align objectives and create a framework where everyone feels listened to and supported. A manager who incorporates them effectively creates a more fluid and engaging work dynamic.

Individual points

Among the essential rituals, regular one-to-one interviews create a privileged space for exchange between manager and employee. They provide an opportunity to take stock of progress, identify difficulties and explore areas for improvement.

Best practices to follow : 

  • Plan and stick to it: maintain a suitable frequency (weekly, bi-monthly or monthly) to demonstrate the importance of follow-up.
  • Use a shared support system: note the subjects discussed and the actions to be taken for clear follow-up.
  • Practice active listening: ask open-ended questions and rephrase to encourage genuine exchange.
  • Adapt the approach: adjust the level of coaching and feedback according to the employee's autonomy.

Team meetings 

In addition to individual reviews, team meetings structure the collective dynamic and streamline communication. They ensure regular alignment, reinforce collaboration and maintain a shared vision of objectives.

Best practices to follow : 

  • Define a clear objective: before inviting anyone, specify the goal (follow-up, problem-solving, decision) and draw up a structured agenda.
  • Encourage participation: use interactive formats such as round-table discussions, brainstorming or alternating between information and exchanges.
  • Keep to a precise timetable: no more than 45-60 minutes for standard meetings and 15 minutes for quick points.
  • Valuing success: taking the time to recognize contributions strengthens team commitment and motivation.

An effective manager structures his team's learning and commitment. Quality feedback, a coaching posture, emotional intelligence and well-defined rituals: these practices enable employees to progress, gain autonomy and flourish. The result? Greater motivation, higher performance and a stronger collective dynamic. Want to go further? Discover NUMA's training courses.


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